The digital world in which we live is more complex than it seems. My conception of living in the digital world was that it would make our life easier, but in practice, it didn’t show well.
Daily Chores and Tech Evolution
As parents, we work tirelessly to provide our kids with a better future.
We work, take care of our kids, take them to school and other after-school activities, and care for our home.
We are busy with time management and often run out of time. In the beginning, tech devices contributed and helped more than now.
But today, we use technology for non-productive things and often waste a lot of time on our screens.
In other words, technology uses up more time than we’re aware of. So, keep that in mind while reading the rest of this article.
How we Use Tech
It’s effective when we use our devices for learning, working, and e-service.
But we usually spend our precious time using social media, chatting, playing games, and watching movies or videos instead of learning or doing other productive activities.
That is why we don’t recognize the problems that tech devices (which we use 24/7, 365) cause.
Importance of Managing Family Time
No matter how hard we try, we can’t explain to our kids the side effects of overusing technology.
We can not persuade them because we are not role models for them (our phones are always in our pockets).
We have to make a balance between our family goals and using technology.
That means providing family time without tech devices. Or when we use tech, for example, we can watch a movie or play a game.
Priorities as a Life Model
Raising kids is our main life goal. We, parents, grow up together with them. They are our priority in every aspect of our lives.
Our work is only proof that we’ve reached certain personal goals, but our kids are the meaning of our lives.
Teaching our kids what’s important, gathering the family together, and being there for them is crucial for any family.
Shut the TV off, and take your children to the park. Fill their childhood with beautiful memories. Be present, and make your children happy.
Communication with Children
Most of the time, children are the ones that use too much technology instead of spending time with family.
They’ve become addicted to their devices so it’s hard to talk to them on this topic.
In the following paragraphs, we’ll see how to approach our children about putting their phones down.
Rules are OK When not Forced
As a kid, I was always offended when my mother would command me to do something.
That is why I don’t use strict commands. Instead, I use conversation allowing my children to make their choice.
For example, I’m happy when my kid chooses to leave their phone on the table and eats dinner without it. If family relations are based on love and respect, we don’t need commands to prevent our actions.
So give your child a choice when choosing between quality family time and technology.
Embrace the Positive Sides
Instead of stating only the negative aspects of the devices our kids use, we can always talk about the benefits and how today’s tech can help in different ways.
We must learn to communicate with our kids and build a bridge between real tech needs and overtime tech usage.
But in a world where kids are born with tech devices, as a parent, it is cruel to say no to tech use.
So it’s crucial to navigate your children to the positive sides of tech while also reminding them about the negative sides.
Non-Tech Entertainment
Offering your children entertainment without including digital devices is a perfect way of making family time an enjoyable habit for your children.
There are countless ways of having fun without technology. We’ll go through some of them.
- Board Games
Classic board games like Ludo, Chess, Monopoly, Catan, Twister, and many more are the perfect solution to boredom.
Gather the family, pull out the games, and make game night a tradition.
When my children get bored of the classics, they invent their own board games. It’s a fun and creative process involving making rules and designing the board.
- Card Games
A simple deck of cards can bring joy (sometimes anger, especially when little children lose) to any family.
Do some research on Google, and you can find thousands of card games suitable for children.
My kids have also invented their own card games! They’re really fun!
- Learning Instruments
A lot of families have a guitar or a piano sitting in a corner and gathering dust.
If your children are bored and don’t know how to play the instrument you have, encourage them to learn.
You can do that by showing them young kids playing difficult and beautiful pieces and listening to music together.
Also, you can tell them they can play their favorite songs if they learn the instrument.
- Nature
We often don’t respect nature. But nature is beautiful. We should embrace and be thrilled with nature’s beauty.
So if the weather is nice, take your kids outside for a walk and a fresh breath of air.
You can play fun guessing or spotting games along the way. Or you can bring a ball with you and play on the beach or in a park.
Nature offers a lot of fun entertainment, but we seldom realize that.
- Outdoor Games
Hide & seek, ball games, tag, and other classic outdoor games are valuable pieces of our childhood.
We should encourage our children to try these games. Not only they’re fun, but they also increase our children’s social and competitive skills.
And they’ll also create memories that last a lifetime.
Uncooperative Youth
I know you’ve tried most of the things in this article, but your child still won’t leave their phone down.
Don’t give up! Be patient, and always show them the positive sides of non-tech activities and the negative effects of overtime usage of digital devices.
Be there, communicate, and stay persistent with your goals. At some point, your child will realize that they miss up on a lot of things because of frequently using phones and computers.
Children won’t always follow what we say. But teaching them about family time and balancing that with technology usage is crucial for children’s development.
Of course, we can’t take their phones away all the time, but spending a few hours a day with family is positive for any child.
So, talk with them, pick up a ball, or play Monopoly and include children in family activities.
ALSO READ: How to Choose Age-Appropriate Apps, Games, and Websites for Children