Explore the good outcomes and the right age for your child to start yoga with these easy poses.
Yoga can be a powerful source for developing your child’s personality. This physical activity should be added to the school curriculum, says Sherry Telles, a famous yoga researcher. One of her studies concludes that yoga is a useful addition to kids’ school routines as it helps improve social self-esteem.
However, many parents keep wondering about the appropriate age for their child to start yoga. Well, some say it’s 6 while others agree on 8.
So, let’s find out what the expert says about it. The advantages it has and a few 7 fun yoga positions for kids through this article.
What is the Minimum Age for a Child to Start Yoga?
There’s no benchmark age for children to practice yoga. However, according to the Indian Academy of Pediatrics, many yoga experts propose that a 5-year-old child can get into this healthy activity.
The age group between 5 to 10 should be usually taught yoga through songs, games, and uncomplex positions. Plus, the module should focus on increasing attention, bonding with peers, tolerance, and physical development.
Benefits of Yoga for Children
When your child gets into yoga practice, the activity can help your child in many ways. Here are a few positive outcomes.
Improves ADHD in Children
A study published in the Harvard Health Publishing suggests that yoga can be effective for kids with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). It helps improve core symptoms, including hyperactivity and inattentiveness. Plus, it makes ADHD children perform better at school.
Develops Motivation and Control
When a child involves in yoga practices, it makes them more mindful of their emotions and behavior. This change promotes a sense of self-regulation. Children learn to make decisions and develop an ownership mindset.
As a result, they become more self-disciplined and show a greater sense of responsibility at school and home.
Provides Better Sleep
If your child is a weak sleeper, yoga can help improve sleep patterns to ensure their mental and physical well-being. A short yoga break every day reduces stress and makes them relax. This makes it easier for them to call it a peaceful night.
That means, they are likely more attentive and energized the next day.
Increases Performance at School
One of the amazing benefits of yoga in children is the positive outcomes when it comes to concentration. This leads to a boosted performance during the school time, especially when they are learning in their classrooms.
What’s more? Yoga can make your child better at organizing, planning, and prioritizing tasks. This significant improvement makes them do excellent at an academic level and they get better at managing their schoolwork.
Improves Motor Coordination in Special Needs Children
Yoga has evident results when it comes to supporting kids with special needs. One source suggests that yoga can sharpen motor abilities, social skills, and emotional regulation.
Surges Self-Awareness
Every child has their own physical sensations and emotions. But yoga helps them understand their actions, reactions, and feelings by magnifying their emotional intelligence.
As they acquire new levels of awareness, it helps them overcome negative influences from the external world. For instance, they can control the pressure of conforming to social media activities.
Accelerates Physiological Strengths
Through yoga, a child enjoys expanded physical flexibility and strength. Plus, yoga poses activate their parasympathetic nervous system which enhances their focus and learning.
7 Fun Yoga Positions for Children
Wondering how to initiate yoga practice for a child? Here are a few exciting yet light poses for kids.
Chair Pose
- Stand straight
- Bend the knees
- Hip slightly apart from the back’s line
Boat Pose
- Lie straight on the mat
- Balance hips with legs and neck up
- Rock like a boat in the water
- Multiply the fun with the yoga partner by touching feet and holding hands (optional)
Bow Pose
- Lie over the tummy
- Slightly lift the chest
- Bend the knees
- Take your arms back to the toes and hold onto the feet
Cat Pose
- Get in a crawling position
- Slightly round the back
- Tuck the chin into the chest
Snake Pose
- Lie on the tummy
- Stretch the hands straight
- Place the palms flat on the floor next to the shoulders
- Lift the shoulders and head off the floor
Butterfly Pose
Image Source: Turo Family Chiropractic
- Sit on the hips with a straight spine
- Bend the legs
- Touch the feet’s soles together
- Flap the legs gently life butterfly wings
Flamingo Pose
Image Source: Turo Family Chiropractic
- Place one foot on the ground
- Place another foot below or above the knee area
- Keep hands overhead or at the chest
Yoga isn’t just for the grown-ups. While there’s no perfect time, experts suggest that kids aged above 5 can practice yoga at school and home. This ancient practice can help children cope with anxiety and stress. As a result, it contributes positively to your kid’s mental and physical health. Moreover, it can make them capable of facing problems and everyday challenges.
How long should the yoga session for kids be?
Kids should do yoga for at most 20 minutes (not more than that). The session should be based on different yoga poses and games.
Is yoga safe for children?
Light yoga poses of shorter duration are safe for kids. It helps improve both the mental and physical health of school-going children.
What are the risks of yoga in children?
If a child has suffered from any injury in the past, it is advised to consult a physician before enrolling them in yoga classes. However, yoga itself has lower risks of injuries compared to other physical activities.