Many parents wonder about the ideal age for a child to ride a bike with training wheels. The joy of watching your little one take off is immense.
But, many shiver when their child is picking up a bike for the first time. And some go over the top with buying their little children big bikes.
Nonetheless, parents can eliminate all this stress by measuring their kids’ height and buying them a fitting bike.
Without further ado, In the following articles, we’ll help you kick-start your child’s journey by riding a bike with training wheels.
The Benefits of Riding a Bike
You are probably aware of the fact that riding a bike can bring countless benefits to your child’s health and well-being.
Renowned medical organizations, such as the World Health Organization, invest a lot in promoting cycling as a healthy way of life.
Riding a bike can help your children develop their strength, grow, get enough exercise, and also benefits your children’s heart.
Moreover, riding a bike can also be a great way to bond with your child. Healthy and happy- what a combo!
Also, riding a bike can bring your child entertainment and relieve your child’s stress or fears. When you think about it, riding a bike feels like therapy.
When Should a Child Start Riding a Bike With Training Wheels
Riding a bike isn’t a complicated activity. But I bet you’ve always felt skeptical about letting children get on bikes since they can easily get injured.
Well, thankfully we have training wheels, which can assist your little ones in the journey of learning how to ride a bike.
So, you can easily introduce your children to a bike with training wheels at the age of three or four. They’ll love it! You won’t be able to get them off their bikes.
Also, you can get your younger toddlers smaller plastic bikes, especially if they have older siblings (you don’t want to develop jealousy between siblings).
Use this period of riding a bike with training wheels to teach your children how to turn, brake, and signal during cycling.
Kids Bike Size Chart
If you want your child to feel comfortable and secure while riding a bike, you should get your little one a bike with a suitable size.
You can’t ignore the fact that the bike size is essential for your child’s safety while riding a bike (along with other safety gear).
So, in the following paragraphs, we’ll let you in on our kid’s bike size chart, and teach you how to make all needed measurements along the way.
· Toddlers (2-3 years old)
Toddlers are energy bombs. And they don’t really care about keeping themselves safe. So, it’s crucial to pick out the proper bike size for them.
Most toddlers have an average inseam (the length between the ankle and the crotch) of 15″- 18″ (38.1cm-45.72cm), so it’s best to get them a bike with a wheel size of 12″ (30.48cm).
· Preschoolers (3-6 years old)
Preschoolers are just more communicative versions of toddlers. So, they still aren’t aware of the safety measures regarding riding a bike.
Preschoolers have an average inseam of 15″- 22″ (38.1 cm-55.88 cm), so it’s best to get them a bike with a wheel size of 14″ (35.56cm) or 16″ (40.64cm).
· School Aged Children (6-12 years old)
When children start going to school, they also meet new friends. So, they might want to start cycling with friends too.
Buying them a suitably sized bike can help your children feel comfortable, enjoy the ride, and decrease the chances of injuries.
Children around the ages of 5-8 have an average inseam of 19″- 25″ (48.26cm-63.5cm), so it’s best to get them a bike with a wheel size of 20″ (50.8cm).
Moving on with children around the ages of 8-11. They have an average inseam of 23″- 28″ (58.42cm-71.12cm), so a bike with a wheel size of 24″ (60.96cm) suits them best.
We’ll finish with children over ten years old. With an average inseam larger than 25″ (63.5cm), a bike with a wheel size of 26″ (66.04) is ideal for them.
How to Measure Bike Size
Children’s bikes are measured by their wheel size. On most bikes, the wheel size is written on the side of the wheel.
But it’s not the end of the world if the side of the bike wheel doesn’t give you all your needed information.
It’s actually as easy as cake to find out the wheel size by yourself. All you need is a tape measure (and good sight!)
Grab your tape measure and measure from the center of the wheel up to one of its edges. That’s the bike radius.
What you need is the diameter. To find the diameter, multiply the radius by two and round up to the closest whole number.
Voila! Now you have the wheel size of your child’s bike. You don’t need to worry about finding where it’s written anymore.
Also, your little children will be impressed that mommy or daddy knows something about bikes, and your school children could learn some maths along the way (but I don’t know how excited they’ll be about that)!
We’ve hopefully answered all your answers regarding when your child should start riding a bike with training wheels.
We also discussed how to measure kids’ bike size and inseam and made you familiar with our kid’s bike size chart.
Another thing we learned is that during the process of starting to ride a bike, children can relax, feel joy, and even learn some math!
All things considered, teaching your children how to ride a bike isn’t as necessary as it is good for their well-being.
Seeing your child riding a bike with friends or with you and admiring their cute and happy smiles can bring immense joy to every parent.
So, take your children to the closest bike shop and let them start their cycling adventure, setting the ground for them to create unforgettable memories.
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