Every human that exists on this planet is obligated to respect rules from the beginning and through life. Strict rules determine our daily activities.
We need to develop correct and responsible behavior, gain more knowledge and be productive. We must try to be a better version of ourselves.
Living during high technology development requires us to learn how to be responsible and knowledgeable tech users. Once we teach ourselves about tech literacy and online responsibility, we can and must teach our kids.
What is Digital Literacy?
The definition of digital literacy is simple. Essentially it is gaining knowledge on how to use digital devices.
Just like our children first learn how to read and then start reading books, they must also first learn the fundamentals of tech and then use technology to the max.
Being digitally literate is a must in today’s world. And almost everyone is because of the enormous need for technology in our everyday activities.
What is Online Responsibility?
When you go online, you meet thousands of other users. Every single one of them has a different point of view about life.
Having an online responsibility means being polite, friendly, and clean while communicating with others.
Teaching children the importance of being responsible online is as important as teaching them to be polite in the real world.
Teaching Kids About Digital Literacy
Keeping in mind the time our kids spend in front of the screens, as parents, we must educate them that this world can be dangerous and give us unpleasant experiences.
We must point out that their behavior while using tech is crucial for their well-being, and they must develop a positive digital culture.
Importance of digital literacy for kids online responsibility
Kids are capable of fast learning, especially when it comes to technology, which is not an easy thing to learn.
With the appropriate guide, our kids will be responsible online, develop good digital character, and protect themselves from online dangers.
Also, they will get the opportunity to keep in touch with the fast-growing digital world.
Protection From Online Threats
One of the most beneficial pieces of information our kids need to know is to predict and catch abnormal behavior.
Even the thought of the existence of mean people capable to harm our kids terrifies me as a parent.
Cyber bullies and predators develop harmful and harsh connections with others. That’s why we parents must protect our kids.
Being digitally literate and having online responsibility can help us and our children in the following ways:
- Detecting abnormal behaviors;
- Knowing that there are lots of threats online;
- Report suspicious comments and strange behavior;
- Knowing not to trust strangers;
- Knowing not to be part of bad social media groups;
Also, with technology usage, our kids can be more informed and up to date with the latest schemes and risks on the Internet.
Developing Critical Thinking Skills
Using technology improves our kid’s ability to learn fast, memorize, and develop thinking skills. As they tackle different obstacles on devices, their little brains improve and grow.
Knowing how to research and find the needed information develops children’s intelligence and motor skills as well.
Looking out for the Future
The future is now, right? Well, kind of. Although technology is already really advanced, the following decades might be even more revolutionary for tech.
So, our children being digitally literate is crucial for them to keep up with future changes. Shortly, our future is built on the foundation of digital devices, so today’s youth must know how to use them.
Using Technology Responsibly
Although knowing how to use technology is a must for today’s children, it is more important to teach children to responsibly use their devices.
Data shows that 14% of students bully others online and don’t use their devices responsibly. Not overusing tech is also important. Set limits and rules that your children must follow.
In other words, children’s digital presence must be polite, friendly, and limited in their technology usage.
How to Start Digital Education?
Just like you need to start from somewhere when teaching children mathematics or science, you must start somewhere when educating children about tech.
· Start Them Young
Starting digital education from an early age integrates children into the digital world.
You can do this by using devices together with your children, doing creative activities on tech, and having fun.
· Set Rules and Limits
Technology use is justified only when limits and rules are set by parents and respected by children.
Remember, you are the parent. You are the law and order in the household. But don’t be too harsh! Instead, make having limits a habit for your children.
Technology Can Help you Educate Your Children
Just like everything, technology can also help educate children for, well, technology.
In the following paragraphs, we’ll go over creative and fun programs that might help children get digitally literate.
· KidzSearch
KidzSearch is a creative search engine meant for children and toddlers that are starting to use technology.
It features a friendly interface, educational games, and videos for children of all ages.
· CodeSpark
This interactive and creative app helps children learn coding and programming in a fun way.
In the rising world of tech, learning how to code and make programs is a great advancement!
· TypeRacer
This game offers a chance for your child to develop their motor skills and learn to type faster.
They can go against people from around the world, have fun and learn how to effectively work with a keyboard.
If you dig around more on the Internet, you can probably find many more interesting games and apps that help your child improve their digital literacy.
How to Get Children Motivated to Learn About Technology
Children are often lazy and don’t want to pick up new skills or knowledge. But motivating them to learn tech is easy.
Just show them that other children are already using tech to the fullest, and introduce them to all the fun benefits of technology.
In today’s world, not knowing how to use basic search engines is like not being able to read.
In the growing world of technology being digitally literate is a must because we depend on our devices every day.
But even when you teach your child how to use the computer your job isn’t over. You also must educate children to use tech responsibly to avoid all the unpleasant situations the Internet offers.
ALSO READ: Using Technology to Support Children’s Mental Health and Well Being