Let’s face it, when we were younger technology was not as advanced as it is currently. Today though, kids are spending more and more time on games. More than likely, you have also heard that video games can be bad for kids or have some other concerns. Or perhaps you have heard the opposite.
So, we are going to discern the good and the bad of video games for kids.

The Pros of Video Games For Kids
I like to start with the good news, sometimes it makes the bad news feel not as bad. The best way to find out what is or is not true is to learn from an expert on the matter. For this particular matter, there is an expert-reviewed article about the benefits of video games for kids. Those benefits are,
- Small boost on reading skills.
- To play most video games, you have to read information to play successfully. This type of interaction has them a bit more involved because they are interested in the game.
- Visual-spatial skills.
- This is how we know where things are. In games like Minecraft, children have to navigate the open world and find what they are looking for.
- Problem-solving skills.
- Each video game has some type of challenge in order to successfully complete the game. This gives children the chance to find solutions, sometimes creatively.
- Some researchers agree that kids who play these games improve with planning, organization, and flexible thinking.
- Improved cognitive function.
- Video games can improve recognition ability, spatial memory, reaction time, mental flexibility, visual processing ability, and even multitasking.
- Social connections.
- Sometimes kids can struggle to make connections in the real world, online video play can give kids with similar interests more of a connection.
- Imagination and creativity.
- When kids get a bit older, think tween and teen stage, imaginative play with toys, and make-believe decline. This gives them an opportunity to continue entertaining that imaginative part of them.
- Video gaming careers.
- There are a lot of careers opening up in this industry, from game testers to the Fortnite World Cup. It can be a very good career for young people.
The Cons of Video Games
Now, here we come to the negative aspects of video games for kids. We should bear in mind that the consequences would mostly come from excessive gameplay. Setting limits on your child’s gameplay is a very healthy and natural thing to do, and when you set limits on gameplay, you should enforce them. The consequences from studies on excessive play have shown to be,
- Less time for socializing with family and friends.
- If your child plays too often, they will not have a healthy social life outside of their gaming.
- Poor social skills.
- Too much gaming can lead to poor social behavior in children.
- Less reading
- Ah, yes, reading was certainly a benefit for gaming, however, as stated, it was a smaller benefit as it engaged them. That was not to say that they should replace books, as that is the most beneficial for enhancing reading skills.
- Can lead to obesity.
- If your child is gaming excessively this can contribute to weight gain, eventually leading to obesity.
- Poor sleep quality.
- Researchers have found that exciting tasks in front of a screen reduce the body’s natural melatonin levels.
- Aggressive behaviors.
- Violent video games provide a script for practicing and even learning to deal with conflict in an aggressive manner.
- Exposure to crime, violence, bullying, and racism.
- There are quite a few games that focus on things like crime and violence, games such as GTA (Grand Theft Auto), MW (Modern Warfare), and Halo.
- Lower grades.
- When children are spending more time gaming, there is less time for homework, or reading informational things.
Setting an Appropriate Time Limit for Gaming
We can all agree that we want our children to have the best in life. And by incorporating time limits on their gaming, you will help them substantially. The American Academy of Pediatrics recommends an hour of screen time for kids 2-5 years old.
Children older than 5 and up to adulthood are recommended to have no more than 3 hours a day. These numbers are probably lower than you would expect, but they are just recommendations.
If your child is showing any abnormal behavior such as trouble engaging with friends or family outside of the gaming you should limit how much they are playing currently.
Final Thoughts
Finding age-appropriate games for your child is a good idea, and so is ensuring that they are not playing 24/7. You do not have to take the gaming away, but keeping track of the time spent on it is important. At the end of the day, it is absolutely your decision for the right amount of gameplay for your child.
Each child is different in how they act with gaming. It’s your job as their parent to make sure that they are playing a healthy amount. Remember, gaming is not all bad and can even be beneficial.
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